
Crop transportation control from the field to the warehouse

AgroSignal. AutoWeighStation is a convenient and easy-to-use program that automates the time-consuming process of manually entering data after weighing crops or moving raw materials and consumables while eliminating human errors.


Eliminate human errors and falsification of data

The program fully automates the process of logging weigh-ins, not just by identifying the truck and recording its weight, but by tracking loading/unloading points, cargo, and types of weighing without the participation of a scale operator.

Reduce weighing time (including check-in/check-out) to 20 seconds

Because the truck driver doesn't waste time for communication with the weighter.

Monitor unauthorized arrivals of other people's vehicles and violations during weighing

The system will promptly notify the responsible persons about these events both via the telegram messenger and by e-mail.

Increase the efficiency of obtaining up-to-date information

Detailed and transparent reporting can be generated at any time, regardless of the number of users or their distance from the weigh station.

Import data into the accounting system

Photo recording of travel and weigh-ins

Accounting of gross harvest and yield for each field/combine

How the AgroSignal. AutoWeighStation program works?

1. The weigh station is equipped with traffic lights, card/tag readers, and cameras. Optionally, it is possible to use cameras with truck’s number recognition. All this is connected to a special control unit and a PC, on which the AgroSignal.Weighbridge software is installed.

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2. The employee creates a template for the day in the system, which is used for automatic weigh-ins.
Upon arrival of the vehicle at the weigh station, it is identified in the system, its weight is recorded on the scales, and a weigh-in is automatically created containing full information on field, cargo, warehouse or contractor. The net weight can be automatically distributed between the harvesters from which it was brought.


3. Analytics on weigh-ins and their manual creation/modification are accessible in the Weighbridge editor, provided the user has appropriate permissions. There are many customizable tabular forms available in the system for reporting, with the ability to upload to excel or print.




The distribution of threshing between combine operators will be more accurate if the combine harvester is equipped with grain level sensors in the hopper.

The SP9 report contains information about the recorded grain weight of each combine and combine harvester, as well as bunker threshing. Модуль Весовая

Any corrections made to the weigh-ins can be easily tracked from the user's login. The ability to make changes may be partially or completely limited by access rights.

Photo recording of weigh-ins

If a weigh station is equipped with cameras, then corresponding pictures are attached to each weigh-in. The photos are available for viewing in weighing reports in the basic AgroSignal system.

The AgroSignal. AutoWeighStation program easily integrates with any type of weigh station and works even in the absence of an Internet connection. No additional investment is required to equip the station.

The simple and intuitive interface allows scale operators of any age or level of training to quickly master the program.

Integration with AgroSignal system

The capabilities of the AgroSignal system are included with the AgroSignal.WeighStation program, making it possible to monitor the entire chain of the harvest drive.

  • Monitors all movement and stops of grain trucks along their entire route
  • Prevents unauthorized grain unloading
  • Compares the weight of grain in the field with their weight when they arrive at the warehouse
  • Photo recording and import of weighing results in accounting system
  • Generates turnover reports for the warehouse with current balances

With the help of auger discharge sensors and key readers, AgroSignal records all unloading operations from combine. In case of unauthorized access (keyless unloading), the notification system is instantly triggered

All weight data generated with the help of AgroSignal. AutoWeighStation is automatically displayed in the AgroSignal system and easily exported to the accounting system.

Manual reporting is possible

AgroSignal.Weighbridge system is registered in the name of InfoBiS LLC in the Federal Service for Intellectual Property (Certificate of government registration of the computer program No. 2020619818 dated 08/25/2020)

Information required to install and operate the software

Instructions for installing and using the software, as well as the software distribution kit, are provided to the user after the conclusion of a license agreement.